Please Ignore Vera Dietz Part 3, Chapter 4 Summary

Second Friday in February—Party Night

  • Bill Corso ends up skipping the rest of the week of school. Man, that kid really doesn't want to read in class.
  • It's the night of the party at the Jackson Fire Company, which according to Vera's dad, used to be a strip club.
  • Vera convinces her dad to let her go because it's a private party and they're letting employees' kids in. Surely it can't be that crazy if that's the case.
  • She knows that there are a thousand Charlies trying to call out to her from the tree house, but she just ignores them and gets ready for the party.
  • When Vera gets to the Jackson Fire Company, James orders her a vodka cooler. She realizes that the other couple at the bar is Jill and her Nazi skinhead boyfriend, Mick. Oh, great.