Please Ignore Vera Dietz Part 5, Chapter 8 Summary

Drive Car, Deliver Pizza—Tuesday—Four to Eight

  • Vera just wants to go home and read the rest of Charlie's notes, but she has to work. In the meantime, she makes small talk with Larry, who tells her that he used to be a computer programmer but is going back to school.
  • Then Charlie speaks through him again, this time to tell Vera not to open the envelope in the box, because she doesn't want to see what's in there.
  • When she turns back to the front of the store, she sees that the thousand dead Charlies are all crammed inside. For the first time, she finds it funny—Charlie is as impatient in death as he was in life. He can't even wait for her to finish her work shift.
  • Vera finishes her last deliveries and cashes out at the store. As she drives home, she imagines what it would be like if everyone had signs with their secrets around their necks. Hers would say: "I miss Charlie Kahn."
  • She finally gets up to the pagoda. That's where she belongs right now.