Please Ignore Vera Dietz Part 2, Chapter 12 Summary

Monday, January 2nd

  • The next day, Vera goes to school and fails her vocab test. When the day ends, Vera is called to the office. Uh-oh… Her dad is there, waiting to take her home. He tells her that she's not going to work today.
  • When they get home, her dad makes her a snack and tells her that she needs to call her mom, who's expecting a phone call.
  • Even though Vera doesn't want to, she relents. Her mom chews her out for misbehaving, getting drunk, and going out with an older guy, and Vera snaps back that it's not even like her mom is around to be a parent.
  • Her mom tells her not to be a slut early in life, and Vera finds the whole thing kind of rich.
  • She ends the conversation by sarcastically thanking her for the fifty bucks a year, and then hangs up.