The Rules of Survival Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Callie and I knew a couple of kids from school who had had to go into foster care. Foster care didn't sound good, and it didn't' sound safe. They often broke siblings up, we understood, and sent them to different families. (17.9)

It's easy for someone else to say that the kids should have reported their mother to the authorities, but the reality isn't that simple. They made the choice to keep it all a secret because they didn't want to be broken up.

Quote #5

"But she ignored so much, for so long. How come suddenly—"

"One day, she took that first step to get involved. It felt right to her, so that led to more. It's simple." (22.7-8)

Matthew doesn't get how Aunt Bobbie could just wake up one day and decide to be an awesome mother figure. But it really does happen like that—she just decides that she needs to start protecting the kids. And that's exactly what she does from thereon out.

Quote #6

"I'll think about it all," Murdoch said. "I don't know how yet, but I'll figure something out." His voice was calm. "Just give me some time—oh, and your father's and your aunt's phone numbers. Okay?" (25.76)

Murdoch could have easily turned Matthew away and washed his hands of the whole messy Walsh clan, but he doesn't. When Matthew comes to him for help, Murdoch rises to the occasion and comes up with a plan to get the kids out of there.