The Rules of Survival Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

But her good mood didn't last past the next morning, when—after consulting with my new, unexpected ally, Aunt Bobbie—I went to the police station. I had gotten the name of the right policeman, an Officer Brooks, from simply listening to Nikki. Aunt Bobbie, clearly scared but also somehow righteous, went with me. (28.1)

Matthew is playing with fire when he goes to give his statement against Nikki, but he's willing to put himself in danger. If it means that Nikki might lose custody—or at least get in trouble with the law—he's willing to risk it all.

Quote #8

Julie saw Nikki sitting out there in her car, watching his house, waiting for him. And she decided to draw her off, because she thought the whole situation was like something in a suspense thriller. (38.14)

Talk about a bad move. Julie really underestimates Nikki and what she is capable of. Instead of understanding that Nikki is totally dangerous, Julie decides to play a little game of cat and mouse with her… and it ends very badly.

Quote #9

And to this day, Emmy, I think often about Julie and what my desires and my actions did to her and her life. I suppose she was the one who made the decision that night to go out and play games with Nikki. But even so, I believe my fingerprints are all over Julie's wheelchair. (39.13)

Even though Julie is the one who decides to mess with Nikki, Matthew still feels awfully guilty about what happens to her. And it's only complicated for him by the fact that what happens to Julie is also what saves the kids.