The Rules of Survival Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"No," I said. "You don't understand. It's not out of her system. She's just getting started. She's got other plans for you." (25.26)

Murdoch has clearly underestimated Nikki if he thinks that she'll just leave him alone now that she's broken his car windows. According to Matthew, Nikki is just getting started. She's not going to stop anytime soon.

Quote #5

They were already… not friends, exactly. But allies. They were talking regularly, all those weeks during which I thought Murdoch had forgotten us. (29.26)

Even though Murdoch has no legal of familial obligation to help the kids, he doesn't quit. He keeps looking for ways to get them out of their bad family situation because he is truly invested in their wellbeing.

Quote #6

She started with phone calls. Murdoch got a lot of hang-ups from a "private number." Then she let messages that contained nothing but breathing. Sometimes so many messages came, so quickly, that Murdoch's voice mail message quota would completely fill up and people who wanted to leave an honest business message couldn't. (32.3)

Did Murdoch really believe that something as silly (and simple) as a restraining order would keep Nikki from bugging him? No way. She's just getting started on her harassment campaign.