The Rules of Survival Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She shook her head. "No. I didn't hear a thing. Not a word. And I don't want to hear it, Matt. I'm so tired of your fantasies and your dreams." And then she put her hands into the straps of her backpack and turned and ran as fast as she could away from me. (34.11)

As time wears on, Callie starts to lose her spark for life and optimism, and instead of working hard and hoping for the best, she becomes jaded. After all, things don't seem like they're getting any better. They're stuck with Nikki.

Quote #8

All this time, Nikki continued stalking Murdoch. She followed him in her car, watching whatever he did, and with whom. There were the calls, too—his home phone ringing repeatedly in the middle of the night. (35.1)

Nikki may not be able to keep a job, but boy oh boy, can she keep up with her stalking goals. She doesn't tire at all when it comes to harassing Murdoch. If anything, she ups the ante.

Quote #9

Over the next few weeks, Nikki quickly showed her dedication to making the house totally uninhabitable.

You could count on her screaming or playing music loudly at two or three in the morning. At any time of the day or night, there might be a bout of thudding and smashing that made Aunt Bobbie moan helplessly. (45.2-3)

You have to give Nikki props for showing us how to really hold a grudge. She doesn't give Matthew or Aunt Bobbie a pass for being her family—instead, she commits to making their lives completely miserable.