The Raven Boys Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Blue had two rules: Stay away from boys, because they're trouble, and stay away from raven boys, because they were bastards.

But those rules didn't seem to apply to Adam. Fumbling in her pocket, she pulled out a tissue and wrote her name and the phone number for 300 Fox Way on it. Heart thumping, she folded it up and handed it to him.

Adam said only, "I'm glad I came back." (8.29-31)

Well, it didn't take Blue that long to break both of her rules concerning boys. Adam intrigues her enough, though, and she hands him her phone number. How's a teenage girl supposed to resist the advances of a cute, earnest boy, anyway?

Quote #5

This was a conversation they'd had before and entire days of arguments were replayed in the few moments of quiet. The words had been said often enough that they didn't need to be said again. Success meant nothing to Adam if he hadn't done it for himself.

Gansey tried his best to keep his voice even, but a bit of the heat crept in. "So you won't leave because of your pride? He'll kill you." (14.49-50)

To Gansey, moving away from the Parrish household is the obvious choice. Adam's dad is awful and abusive, and it should be easy for him to leave it all behind, right? But it's not that simple of a choice for Adam to make.

Quote #6

Then Blue had bought her own chips, though it was clear the price was dear to her and nothing to Gansey. Adam was proud of her. (25.12)

Blue could have easily accepted money and food from any of the raven boys, since they're all super rich (except for Adam). But she's got her pride to consider, just like Adam. They may both be poor, but they're not leeches.