The Raven Boys Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The problem was that she was running distinctly low on money, and moreover, guilt at disobeying Maura was finally beginning to weigh on her. It had gotten so bad that she couldn't look her mother in the eye over dinner, but it was impossible, now, to imagine giving up the boys. She had to find a way to reconcile the two. (27.1)

Blue made the choice to disobey her mom without a second thought, but now she's starting to feel badly about her decision. She doesn't want to be a bad daughter. She's got to find a way to stay true to herself and still be honest with her mom. That's the adult way to go about things.

Quote #8

Blue wasn't sure how to reply to this. Maura had all sorts of control of Blue, but it wasn't usually the sort that came with ultimatums or curfews. So she just said, "I'm sorry. I should've told you I was going to do what you didn't want me to do." (27.54)

Well at least Blue's being truthful. She is sorry that she lied, but she's not going to stop doing what she's been doing. Maura's just going to have to accept that apology; it's the best she's going to get.

Quote #9

"Oh no," he said. He hoped Ronan was listening. "Ronan did that all by himself. I don't know when you both are going to see that only Ronan can keep himself in Aglionby. Some day, he has to pick for himself. Until then, you're both wasting your time. (31.25)

Why do Declan and Ronan both think that it's Gansey's job to keep Ronan in school? It's not like he can do all the schoolwork and go to Ronan's classes for him. It's Ronan's job to take care of Ronan's life.