The Fallen Star Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Fallen Star? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is inside the locket that Alex gives to Gemma?

A million bucks
A photograph
A love letter
Q. Who originally gave Gemma the necklace that Alex later gives her?

Taylor Swift
Q. What do Gemma's emotions cause her to do in class one day?

Throw a desk out the window
Laugh hysterically for ten minutes
Dance like a chicken
Q. How does Laylen get them all into the vampire club?

He shows his mark of immortality.
He pays the bouncer three pints of blood.
He gives the vampires Aislin as a prize.
He sneaks them in dressed up as vampires.
Q. What starts forming on the nape of Gemma's neck at the end of the book?

A wart
A giant hickey
A Foreseer's mark
A tattoo in the shape of a puppy