Go Ask Alice Chapters 221-230 Summary

Chapter 221: June 10

  • Alice is finally convinced that even if she were locked in a room full of drugs, she wouldn't be tempted to use them, because she sees what it's done to the people who used to be her friends.
  • Someone left a burning joint in her locker to get her in trouble, but even the principal knows she wouldn't do something so stupid.
  • He wants her to rat on who did it, but Alice is afraid they'll kill her.

Chapter 222: June 11

  • Alice is looking forward to school finally ending, and is thinking of going to Seattle to stay with her aunt and uncle next year just to escape the bullying.
  • Alice sees Joel at the library, and even though they talk, she feels like everything is bittersweet because she can't really talk to him.

Chapter 223: June 12

  • Tonight is the dance, but Alice isn't going because even good old Mr. Squarey Squarepants George looks at her funny now.

Chapter 224

  • Marcie Green, one of Alice's old doper friends, comes right out and threatens Alice in the vegetable aisle of the supermarket… in front of their moms, no less. She invites her to a party, and when Alice politely refuses, she says that she might as well come since they're going to "get you anyway." Creepy.
  • The real kicker is that on the way home, Alice's mom tells her that she should let that nice Marcie Green fix her up with someone. Yeah okay, thanks for nothing, Mom.

Chapter 225: June 16

  • Gran died in her sleep last night, and once again all Alice can think about is the horror of what will happen to her body in the ground.

Chapter 226: June 17

  • Joel calls to say he heard about Gran and wants to come over after the funeral for support. Sounds like Joel is a real stand-up guy.

Chapter 227: June 19

  • The funeral is pretty hard on the family, especially Alice's mom, who has now lost two parents in as many months.
  • The only thing that helps Alice keep it together is the support of Joel and his mature advice on death (he is, after all, the ripe old age of eighteen).

Chapter 228: June 20

  • Alice is bummed out because now that school is out for the summer, there are a ton of parties but she's either not invited or can't go due to the sure presence of drugs.
  • Alice says she's so tired of it all that she wishes she could run away again and never come back.

Chapter 229: June 22

  • A party gets busted, and the kids all blame Alice, as if she "finked" on them to the cops.

Chapter 230: June 23

  • Alice is violently and sexually assaulted in the park. She manages to get home, but now feels sick and can't stop wondering why these things keep happening to her.