Go Ask Alice Chapters 41-50 Summary

Chapter 41: June 25

  • Beth is leaving for summer camp and they have a melodramatic farewell.
  • Alice's parents surprise her by being pretty understanding and sympathetic to her plight.

Chapter 42: July 2

  • Alice has only been at her grandparents' house for five days and she's already bored out of her gourd. Her old friends are either busy or gone, and she's already sick of just sitting around and reading. What's that saying about never being able to go home again?

Chapter 43: July 7

  • Alice is nervously excited because Jill Peters (one of the popular girls) has invited her to come over tomorrow night.

Chapter 44: July 8

  • Alice feels like she won the lottery, because Jill really did call to invite her over for a yearbook signing party. She's super psyched to get dressed up in new clothes and have fun with the cool kids.

Chapter 45: July 10

  • Alice doesn't know whether to feel ashamed or elated because she had a blast at Jill's party—because she was tripping on acid pretty much the whole time.
  • So here's what happened: The people at the party played "Button, Button, Who's Got the Button" by putting acid in a few of their sodas and then passing them out to see who gets the ones that are laced.
  • Bill Thompson leads Alice through the trip to make sure she doesn't have a bad reaction.
  • And she doesn't. She has the prototypical acid trip—colors and patterns are fascinating, she experiences synesthesia—and she loves every second of it.
  • When she wakes up the next morning, safe and sound in her own bed, she's conflicted: She loved her trip, but she also knows that drugs are supposed to be bad and scary, so she "probably" won't ever try it again. Right…

Chapter 46: July 13

  • So, you know that whole "I won't even think about it because drugs are bad" thing from the last chapter? Three days later and that's out the window.
  • Alice is trying to convince herself that the people who say awful things about drugs are just ignorant and uninformed, and now she's desperate to try pot. Just once. Sure…
  • She's hoping if she hangs out with Jill again that she can get her some pot—which she'll try once and then forget the whole thing.
  • Alice is off to the library to do some research on drugs.

Chapter 47: July 14

  • Alice meets Bill on the way to the library and he asks her out. She's pretty psyched.

Chapter 48: July 20

  • What a difference a week makes: Alice went out with Bill and he introduced her to Torpedos (a mixture of crack and weed) and speed.
  • She was initially a little scared because they required him to inject her with a needle, but now she thinks they're the cat's meow and she can't wait to try them again.

Chapter 49: July 23

  • Her Gramps had a heart attack, and he'll be bedridden for a few weeks. She's mainly concerned with helping out so that they don't send her home, though—heaven forbid something interrupt her drug-induced awakening.
  • Then she waxes poetic on death and what happens to our bodies when we're dead; she has an odd preoccupation with burial and natural decomposition.
  • But then, in the same entry, she hopes that maybe they will send her home so she can get away from the bad influence of Jill and Bill.

Chapter 50: July 25

  • Her Gramps is doing well and everyone is happy because she's been a model guest—cooking, cleaning, and helping out around the house.
  • Alice gets invited to a party at Jill's, but she's happy to use her grandparents as an excuse to say no.