Go Ask Alice Chapters 151-160 Summary

Chapter 151: March 5

  • Her friend Jackie slips her a few "co-pilots" in English class, and she can't wait to get high after her family goes to bed.

Chapter 152

  • Now Alice is in Denver. She just walked out the door and hitchhiked her way there when she was high. She has the clothes on her back and twenty bucks that she stole from her dad.
  • Sweet plan, Alice.

Chapter 153

  • She is sharing a place with a few kids she met on the streets.
  • They all agree that it's boring in Denver, so they are going to Coos Bay, Oregon, to see what it's like there. They have tons of acid, so she doesn't really care where they're headed.

Chapter 154: March…

  • Alice is dirty, cold, and sick, plus her period started and she can't find any tampons. Sounds fun.

Chapter 155

  • Alice has pretty much hit rock bottom. She's cold and dirty, she's lost her friends, and she knows she has a fever.
  • She goes into a church for help, and they direct her to a "Salvation Army type place."

Chapter 156: Later

  • The place the church directed her to is awesome, and they give her clothes, food, a shower, and some tampons (hallelujah).
  • They want her to contact her parents, but since she wants to keep using drugs (you know, because they've done her a world of good so far), she refuses.
  • One of the guys who works there volunteers to drive her to a health clinic to treat her cold.
  • In the doctor's waiting room, Alice meets Doris, who invites her to share her apartment since the people she'd been living with disappeared in the night. (Shady.)
  • The doc gives her vitamins and she pretty much laughs in his face, even though he seems really nice.

Chapter 157

  • Doris and Alice tour Coos Bay while totally stoned.

Chapter 158

  • Alice must be trippin', because she's high on life right now.
  • She and Doris are really into posters.
  • It also turns out Doris is only fourteen. That's pretty sad.

Chapter 159

  • Alice and Doris are pretty depressed—they're out of money and food and, more importantly, pot.
  • Alice has gotten even sicker with what's probably a wicked sinus infection; she plans to panhandle tomorrow for money to buy food and drugs.

Chapter 160

  • Now Alice is really sick—she's been asleep and has lost track of the days—and she's also dying for a fix of anything.
  • Alice is, once again, really homesick. Doris's backstory (which involves molestation, rape, and prostitution) has made her realize how good she's had it, and she's kind of a turd for running away.
  • She vows to call home tomorrow.