Go Ask Alice Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

For the first time that I could remember in my whole life, I was completely uninhibited. I was dancing before the whole group, performing, showing off, and enjoying every second of it. (45.10)

This must be one of the most appealing aspects of drugs, right? Who wouldn't give just about anything to feel so free? Especially Alice, who we know suffers from crippling insecurity and a feeling like everyone is always judging her. Unfortunately, though, that kind of freedom comes with a price.

Quote #2

Remember I told you I had a date with Bill? Well he introduced me to torpedos on Friday and Speed on Sunday. They are both like riding shooting stars through the Milky Way, only a million, trillion times better. The Speed was a little scary at first because Bill had to inject it right into my arm. I remembered how much I hated shots when I was in the hospital, but this is different, now I can't wait, I positively can't wait to try it again. No wonder it's called Speed! I could hardly control myself, in fact I could have if I had wanted to, and I didn't want to. (48.2)

There is just so much going on here. First of all, how does Alice know what it's like to ride a shooting star? Secondly, there's a reason why people are afraid of needles. If you need to overcome a fear of pain in order to have a little fun, maybe you need to rethink your idea of a good time.

Quote #3

I think I'd better take some of Gramps' sleeping pills, I'm never going to be able to sleep without them. In fact I think I'd better take a supply of them. He's got plenty, and I'm sure I'll have a few bad nights at home before I get straightened out. Oh, I hope it's just a few. (58.2)

It's interesting how Alice justifies stealing drugs from her Gramps, isn't it? She doesn't think about the fact that he probably needs them, just how much she obviously wants them. Ugh.