Go Ask Alice Chapters 71-80 Summary

Chapter 71: September 10

  • Alice goes down to the boutique where she bought the fringe vest and makes friends with Chris who works there.
  • She tells her about how low she's been and Chris understands—she understands so well that she gives Alice an upper. Alice loves it.
  • Unfortunately, though, now it's late at night and she still has a ton of energy, so she "has to" take a sleeping pill.

Chapter 72: September 12

  • Alice feels like her parents are constantly nagging her about her "hippie lifestyle," and how they're worried she'll draw attention from the "wrong" people.
  • Alice and Chris bond over the chronic un-coolness of their parents, and Chris offers to get Alice a job working at the boutique with her.

Chapter 73: September 13

  • Things are going great—Alice is loving her job, school, and life, and it's all due to her good friend Chris who keeps her well-stocked in Bennys (a form of speed).

Chapter 74: September 23

  • Her parents are driving her nuts again. She said "man" at the dinner table, and they've had it up to here with her hippie nonsense.
  • Now she is taking Dexies to stay high at school and then popping tranquilizers to tolerate her home life. Sounds like a good plan… or a plan, anyway.
  • Chris has said that she has a friend in San Francisco who could get them jobs, so now they're hatching a plan to cut and run.

Chapter 75: September 26

  • Alice finally gets to try pot and—surprise—she loves it.
  • It all starts when Chris hooks them up with two college guys, Ted and Richie, who think it's hysterical that Alice loves acid but barely drinks alcohol at all. (Such a good joke, right? J/k.)
  • Richie shows Alice how to smoke. She's not so good at it, though, so they break out a hookah.
  • Then they all get high and revel in the various things that seem just incredible when you're stoned.
  • They all go to the ice cream shop to alleviate the munchies, and then Richie brings her home past curfew and her parents don't even care… he's just so charming.
  • Richie even gives her a few joints to smoke alone when she wants to feel good.

Chapter 76: October 5

  • Alice starts this entry with the statement that she and Chris are planning on quitting their jobs because they just don't have the time or money for what they really want to do… which, as it turns out, is selling weed to kids and hanging out with their drug dealer boyfriends, Ted and Richie.
  • The girls started selling weed at the request of Ted and Richie who, due to their college student status, don't have the same amount of free time to push drugs. They are totally great influences, though, so don't worry.

Chapter 77: October 8

  • Alice is proud that she convinced Rich it will be easier for her and Chris to push acid than weed because it'll be harder to get caught.
  • She is head over heels in love with Rich, to the point of obsession, and she's been begging him to have sex without being stoned first, but he's holding out.
  • Because Rich is in medical school (wait, sorry, what?), Alice is prepared to support him until he's done. A girl can dream.

Chapter 78

  • There's a crack in Alice's rose-colored glasses: She's upset that she barely sees Richie except for when he restocks her drug supply, but she's still making excuses for his emotional distance.

Chapter 79: October 17

  • Alice is disgusted with herself for selling drugs at the grade school, and she vows to never do it again.
  • Her solution is to talk to her Dad about getting Richie a scholarship at his school.

Chapter 80: October 18

  • Oh snap: Chris and Alice walk in on Richie and Ted having sex together. So that's why Rich wasn't all that interested in having sex…
  • Alice is, of course, devastated.