Go Ask Alice Chapters 51-60 Summary

Chapter 51: July 28

  • Her parents have been calling every day and asking if she wants to come home, but she thinks she should stick around to help out.

Chapter 52: August 2

  • Alice is bored to death, but she's happy that she's been able to be a big help to her Gran.
  • Bill asks her out on a date and her Gran insists that she go; Alice says she'll just "baby-sit" him if he wants to trip. Sure you will…

Chapter 53: August 3

  • The date with Bill is actually a bunch of kids tripping on acid together while his parents are in the city.
  • Alice figures since she's going home soon (where she'll never do drugs again) she might as well take one last trip.
  • And guess what? This trip is even cooler than the last one.

Chapter 54: August 6

  • Alice loses her virginity to Bill during an acid trip; she wonders if sex without acid would be just as much fun.
  • She's kind of bummed that it wasn't with Roger, because she's not even sure how she feels about Bill.
  • It occurs to her that she could be pregnant, and she's suddenly not so thrilled about everything that went down. Now she hates Bill and drugs and everything else, and wants to go home immediately.

Chapter 55: August 7

  • Her parents think she should stay another week. (If only they knew why she wanted to come home…)
  • She vows not to even answer the phone until she can leave.

Chapter 56: Later

  • Jill calls, but Alice asks her Gran to say she's sick.
  • Alice is beside herself with worry.

Chapter 57: August 9

  • In her melodramatic way, Alice insists that the world is over: Roger and his family stopped by. For the record, Roger is still gorgeous and dreamy.
  • He asks her out, and even kisses her, and she's pretty sure it was, like, totally the best thing ever.
  • However, now she's sick to her stomach that he'll find out about all the nasty stuff she's been up to since she's been home for the summer.

Chapter 58: August 10

  • Roger has called a bunch of times but Alice is avoiding him because she's absolutely sick over all the stuff she's done. She thinks if he finds out about her doing drugs and losing her virginity he'll want nothing to do with her.
  • She wishes she could talk to someone who knows about drugs, but feels like she can't risk it.
  • She's so anxious that she decides she should steal a bunch of her Gramps's sleeping pills to help her sleep while she gets "straightened out."

Chapter 59: August 13

  • Alice is feeling mega-shamed: Her parents just called to say how proud they are to have her for a daughter. Whomp whomp.

Chapter 60: August 14

  • Alice goes home and everyone thinks the reason she's pale and depressed is that she must've had a fight with Roger. If only they really knew…