Go Ask Alice Diary Number Two / Chapters 171-180 Summary

Chapter 171: April 6

  • New diary, new beginnings—Alice is starting over (again) with a fresh slate.
  • Gran and Gramps are coming to visit, her family is thrilled that she's home, and she's just happy to finally have her own bed back.
  • When she's a counselor someday in the near future, Alice really wants to teach kids that although drugs are awesomely fun, they just aren't worth the danger and devastation.
  • She also realizes that because she loves drugs (so much—so, so much), she's going to have to fight her addiction every day for the rest of her life.

Chapter 172: April 7

  • Alice and her little brother Tim go for a walk and have a long and much-needed chat. She tells him about drugs (because she apparently can think of little else) and then they talk about everything that's been going on—with their family, and the war, and "all the things that kids talk about when they're stoned." Except… she's not stoned. It's a revelation.
  • She's also surprised by the maturity Tim shows, and realizes that he probably had to grow up pretty fast after his sister was busted for drugs and then ran away.

Chapter 174: April 8

  • Alice's grandparents have flown in and she bawls like a baby at the airport. It seems like they've aged a ton, and she blames the worrying she must have made them do while she was missing.
  • Her grandfather tells her that she needs to forgive herself, and she takes it to heart.

Chapter 175: Later

  • When Alice can't sleep, she decides to go visit with the new litter of kittens they have on the porch.
  • She's hypnotized by them and realizes that she can revel in all of her senses even when she's not high as a kite.

Chapter 176: April 9

  • It's Alice's first day back at school, and apparently her principal is a real winner. He calls her into his office first thing and verbally berates her, calling her a "disgusting example of young American womanhood." Thanks for the pep talk, dude.

Chapter 177: April 10

  • Alice feels stronger than ever now that she has a goal in life.

Chapter 178: April 11

  • Alice is scared. Like, really scared. She just had a flashback, she thinks, or else a schizophrenic break. Either way, she was just sitting her bed when—wham—she's high as a kite and hallucinating all kinds of trippy stuff.

Chapter 179: Later

  • Alice does some homework and it calms her down to know that at least she hasn't been struck stupid.

Chapter 180: April 12

  • Alice is trying to avoid thinking about her flashback trip.