Go Ask Alice Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Go Ask Alice.

Dissatisfaction Quotes

I wouldn't hurt them physically or emotionally, how then can people so consistently do it to me? Even my parents treat me like I'm stupid and inferior and ever short. I guess I'll never measure up...

Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

For the first time that I could remember in my whole life, I was completely uninhibited. I was dancing before the whole group, performing, showing off, and enjoying every second of it. (45.10)

Identity Quotes

Personally I'd like to get a whole new everything, except my books of course, they are part of my life. [….] Even now I'm not really sure which parts of myself are real and which parts are things...

Lies and Deceit Quotes

Mama won't let me diet anymore. Just between us, I don't really know why it's any of her business. It's true I have had a cold for the last couple of weeks, but I know it's not the diet that is cau...

Religion Quotes

We even talk a lot about religion. The Jewish Hebrew faith is a lot different than ours. They have their meetings on Saturday and they are still looking for Christ or the Messiah to come. […] I w...

Mortality Quotes

Besides since I've thought about Gramps dying I don't want to die. I'm afraid. Isn't that ghastly and ironic? I'm afraid to live and afraid to die, just like the old Negro spiritual. (60.2)

Innocence Quotes

Diary, you'll have to wait until tomorrow or I'll have to go through the long lecture again about my attitude and my immaturity. (1.3)

Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

Maybe it will be like it was when I was younger. Maybe again he'll teach in Europe every summer and we'll go with him like we used to. Oh those were the fun, fun times! I'm going to start on a diet...

Sexuality and Sexual Identity Quotes

I don't ever want to have sex with any other boy in the whole world ever… ever…. I swear I'll die a virgin if Roger and I don't get together. I couldn't stand to ever have any other boy even to...

Isolation Quotes

I wish I could talk to my mother about things like this because I don't really believe a lot of the kids know what they're talking about, at least I can't believe all the stuff they tell me. (17.1)