Go Ask Alice Chapters 281-290 Summary

Chapter 281: September 7

  • Alice meets a new friend named Fawn, who invites her over to swim in her pool.
  • Alice is hoping she can hang out with the straight kids and not have to worry about the dopers again this year.

Chapter 282: September 10

  • Alice is suffering from a pretty bad case of low self-esteem. She thinks Fawn's other friends are all prettier and smarter, so why would they want her around?
  • She wishes she were more confident, but at the same time, she wonders if the other girls feel the same way.
  • Frank asks her out, and she's unsure about it, but excited, too.

Chapter 283: September 11

  • Fawn wants Alice to help her throw a pool party, which is cool, but Alice thinks boys are just a load of trouble.

Chapter 284: September 16

  • Alice's piano teacher has selected her to be a soloist at her outstanding student recital. This is a Big. Deal.
  • Alice is over the moon because she didn't realize she was that good—but then, in her next thought, she's worried about what her new friends will think about it. Geez, get some confidence, girl—talent is always cool.
  • She got another sweet letter from Joel. Is this guy for real?

Chapter 285: September 17

  • Well, minor setback. Alice gets her period the day before the pool party—which every girl who's ever had her period knows can be a recipe for disaster. She's trying to look on the bright side, though, which is that it gives her an excuse to wear her new plaid pants (which everyone who's ever worn plaid pants knows can be a recipe for disaster).

Chapter 286: September 18

  • Alice is melancholy. She is all too aware that summer is almost over, and therefore she's getting old. Kind of a leap, but sure…

Chapter 287

  • Oops. She's been so wrapped up in Fawn's pool party that she completely forgets that tomorrow is her dad's birthday. Her family even planned an outing and didn't want to bother her with the details, which makes her feel like a jerk. At least she recognizes her self-absorption now, right? It's an improvement.

Chapter 288: September 19

  • Fawn's party was awesome. The kids are all really great, and Alice can't believe only a year ago she thought they were super dull squares.
  • She's really worried they will find out about her whole booby hatch episode, and she can't figure out what she should do about it: come right out and tell them, or wait until they hear it from someone else?
  • She wishes someone would tell her the right thing to do. (Don't we all?)

Chapter 289: Later

  • Alice got her dad a sleeveless sweater for his birthday because he'd seen something similar when they were out one day and liked it. Wait, you mean she was paying enough attention to buy a thoughtful gift? This is a different Alice than the one at the beginning of the diary, no?
  • She also wrote him a poem.
  • Since her seventeenth birthday is tomorrow, she is wondering if they are going to combine their parties.

Chapter 290: September 20

  • Frank calls first thing in the morning to ask her out, but she tells him she'll be busy with family all weekend.
  • Her dad's party goes great, he loves her gifts, and everyone has a blast.