Go Ask Alice Chapters 211-220 Summary

Chapter 211: Later

  • This entry reads more like a stereotypical teenager's diary: Does Joel like me? I hope he likes me. Am I pretty? I think I love him—and so on and so forth. She even writes out their married names a bunch of different ways. We're guessing if the diary were illustrated there'd be little hearts dotting the i's.

Chapter 212: June 2

  • Alice gets called to babysit for Mrs. Larsen after her stoner friend Jan cancels at the last minute.

Chapter 213: P.M.

  • The babysitting gig doesn't go well at all. Right after Mrs. Larsen leaves, a stoned-out-of-her-gourd Jan shows up and insists on babysitting the four-month-old baby because she really needs the cash.
  • Alice can't get Jan to leave, so she calls her parents, who come and tearfully drag their daughter to the car.
  • Alice is really worried about the ramifications this will have at school.

Chapter 214: June 3

  • Alice's parents reassure her that she did the right thing, even though she has her doubts.

Chapter 215: P.M.

  • Yup, Alice was right: Jan is super mad. At school when they meet in the hallway she screams that she'll have her revenge.

Chapter 216

  • Jan must have spread some nasty rumors about Alice because now, instead of being ignored at school, people are whispering and snickering at her. She wishes she could tell Joel about it, but doesn't want to tell him her backstory, so she just says she's sick.

Chapter 217

  • Joel is so worried about her that he calls her house to check in, and asks if it's okay that he wants to do that every day. Alice plays it all cool, but secretly she'll be waiting by the phone.

Chapter 218: June 7

  • Gran is so sick she is staying in her room and is unable to eat. Alice decides to visit with her instead of going to the library to see Joel.

Chapter 219: June 8

  • Jan threatens to secretly drug Alexandria by putting drugs in candy and giving it to her. That's… pretty evil.
  • Instead of telling her family directly, though, Alice decides to casually mention a story about kids getting secretly drugged into a dinner conversation as a warning. Way to watch out for your sister… kind of.

Chapter 220: June 9

  • While walking home, a carload of kids yells awful names at Alice and threaten to plant drugs on her dad so that he'll lose his job. Things just got real, y'all.