Go Ask Alice Chapters 121-130 Summary

Chapter 121: December 28

  • Alice sees that her family got a Christmas card from Roger's family and expresses regret that now they have no chance of ever being together (you know, because she's damaged goods).

Chapter 122: December 29

  • Her parents are planning a New Year's Eve party, and Alice is excited that her Gran is going to let her help make her famous yeast orange rolls. (There's got to be a better name for those…)

Chapter 123: December 30

  • More of how happy Alice is.

Chapter 124: December 31

  • Alice is glad to say she's going to be a whole new person in the New Year. She can't believe all the terrible things she did in the past six months and wishes she could just erase her past clean. Since she can't, though, she's just going to push her ugly memories farther back in her consciousness… because that usually goes well.

Chapter 125: January 1

  • In this entry, Alice recounts how much fun she had at the New Year's Eve party. Her dad's colleagues told funny stories, they ate a delicious midnight dinner, and after all the guests left her family had a blast cleaning up as a team.
  • She briefly wonders if Chris would have preferred being with her own family, if they hadn't been out at a different party.

Chapter 126: January 4

  • Alice starts school again tomorrow, and is excited about really committing to it this time.
  • She's going to learn Spanish, because she realizes it's very important to be able to communicate with people.

Chapter 127: January 5

  • Chris is a senior, so Alice doesn't get to see her much at school.

Chapter 128: January 6

  • Whoops. A guy looking for drugs approaches Alice, and she is blind-sided by it. She hopes he's just a fluke and that other people don't start asking her for drugs, too.

Chapter 129: January 7

  • No one mentioned drugs today, so Alice is hoping maybe the guy who asked her yesterday spread the word that she's clean.

Chapter 130: January 8

  • Chris and Alice have been invited to a party where they know drugs will be present and both really want to avoid that scene. They tell half-truths to their parents (that some terrible drug pushers are pressuring them), and set it up so that they have plans with each other for the next few weekends.