Go Ask Alice Chapters 271-280 Summary

Chapter 271: August 14

  • Her whole family has to share a double room in a motel, but Alice is optimistic about it. The only thing they're missing is Joel, according to Alice, even though it might be awkward seeing as they're not married yet. (Yeah, because that'd be the only awkward thing about sharing a motel room with your entire family and your boyfriend…)
  • Alice resolves that there will be no more sex until she is married. She considers herself a pseudo-virgin anyway because she's never had sex while sober.

Chapter 272: August 17

  • The whole family is pretty tired and cranky after two whole days in the car together.
  • Her dad told Alice on the way back they might stop in Chicago to see Joel, and Alice is pretty much wetting her pants about it.

Chapter 273: August 20

  • Alice attends a university tea and even likes it. She attributes this to growing up.

Chapter 274: August 22

  • Alice has a really bad case of poison ivy. It's just the worst.

Chapter 275: August 24

  • Whoops—now Alex has poison ivy, too, poor thing.

Chapter 276: August 27

  • Alice, her siblings, and her mother are taking a weekend trip to New York City, and Alice is pretty darn excited.

Chapter 277: August 29

  • While NYC is fun, it's stiflingly hot in the summertime. The family is shopping just to take advantage of the air conditioning.
  • They plan on going to a museum, too, and maybe leaving early because they are so dang uncomfortable.

Chapter 278: September 2

  • Bummer, man: Alice's dad has to get back to the university lickety-split because they're making staff changes—so no side trip to Chicago to see Joel.

Chapter 279: September 4

  • They family's back in the car and positively sick of it.

Chapter 280: September 6

  • The family made it home. Alice is happy to have her own room back, all to herself.