Please Ignore Vera Dietz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Please Ignore Vera Dietz? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. When does Vera start making a tradition of celebrating every New Year's Eve with Charlie?

After her mom leaves the family
When they're both still in diapers
After he starts dating Jenny Flick
After he starts dating Vera
Q. What do Vera and Charlie call the tree that he eventually builds his tree house in?

The Really Big Tree
Old Big Branches
Monsieur Le Tree
The Master Oak
Q. What memory of theirs does Vera feel like Charlie desecrates at the pagoda?

Losing their virginity
Making out
Throwing paper airplanes together
Drinking beer for the first time
Q. What is the most painful memory that Ken Dietz has of his mother?

Finding out at her funeral that she didn't tell people he was her son
Getting kicked out when Sindy was pregnant with Vera
Getting put in time-out for drinking
Being at her bedside when she died
Q. What does Ken Dietz awkwardly tell Vera after her mom leaves?

That she's going to have to go live with her mom
That her mom used to be a stripper
That his new girlfriend is moving in
That he doesn't know how to be a single parent