One Whole and Perfect Day Chapter 1 Summary

Proper Families

  • Lily Samson likes to creep on her neighbors and observe the goings-on of what she calls "proper families." Somebody should probably tell her that there's really no such thing.
  • For now, though, Lily's family is pretty improper by her standards. Her father abandoned her before she was born and when her older brother, Lonnie (who has no idea what he wants to do with his life), was six.
  • Her mom is a workaholic who seems to have a better relationship with the senior citizens at the adult daycare where she works than with her own children.
  • Even her grandparents are super weird. Her grandmother has an imaginary friend named Sef and her grandfather is a loud-mouthed racist who keeps threatening to burn their house down.
  • He probably has a good reason, though. Lily's house is practically falling down. In fact, a little kid passing by once called it a witch's cottage. Still, it's the only home she knows, and that makes it good enough.