One Whole and Perfect Day Chapter 10 Summary

Daniel Steadman

  • Lily comes home to find that Marigold isn't back from work yet. The emptiness of the house causes her to wonder if this was how Lonnie felt after their dad left. She's always been curious about her dad, but Lonnie claims to not remember anything about him.
  • Feeling inspired to investigate, Lily goes to her mom's room, where she keeps the family photos in a shoebox in a closet. Lily sees this as another strike against her family—normal families, after all, keep photo albums.
  • Lily looks at the single picture her mother's kept of her dad, and thinks about how Pop once said that he had "shifty eyes."
  • Back in her bedroom, Lily gets out the school yearbook and looks at Daniel Steadman in the drama club photo. She can't tell if he has shifty eyes or not, but he's definitely hot.
  • Then she starts beating herself up because she's letting herself have a crush on a boy and feels totally immature.
  • She tries to do something mature in the kitchen to replace thinking about him, but ultimately ends up back in her room looking at the picture again… and actually kisses it.
  • Okay, seriously—what teenage girl hasn't done that? Lily, however, is beginning to wish she'd stayed the sensible one in the family rather than letting herself feel feelings.
  • The phone rings. As much as she wants it to be Daniel, it's only Nan.