One Whole and Perfect Day Chapter 2 Summary

The Sensible One in the Family

  • Lily has a lot of responsibilities. She cooks dinner, goes shopping, pays the bills, and keeps track of when the car needs to be fixed—and you thought your chores were hard. It's no wonder she wants to be more like the "normal" girls at school, even popular, stuck-up Tracy Gilman.
  • In reality, Lily kind of feels older than she really is. Maybe it's because Lonnie is mentally so much younger than he really is. While Lily has to take care of the house and make adult decisions, Lonnie has always behaved like a child.
  • At home, Lily begins getting dinner ready and wonders when her mother will be home. She chops onions and thinks about how she always smells like them no matter how much she tries to get the stench off.