One Whole and Perfect Day Chapter 16 Summary

Beneath the Pepper Trees

  • Over at Flinders High, it's lunchtime, and Lily's spending it with Tracy Gilman and the other girls in her class.
  • They're talking about very important matters of world significance, like which boys they like, why they won't pay attention to them, and whether it's okay for them to buck the system and ask guys out.
  • A girl named Carol says she can't understand why a boy she asked out said no. Tracy tries to "help out" by telling her that it's because one of her ears is bigger than the other, but actually ends up just hurting her feelings. Wow. That was cold.
  • Carol runs away to the bathroom and all the girls confront Tracy about being so mean to her. Lily thinks about how sometimes she really hates girls and doesn't want to be one.