Please Ignore Vera Dietz Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

What twelve-year-old girl whose mother just walked out doesn't want a companion who loves her no matter what happens? (1.17.8)

Vera's dad may think that volunteering with animals is a waste of time, but he understands that Vera needs unconditional love now more than ever after her mother leaves. Vera just wants to feel like she's worth sticking around for.

Quote #5

Then I think of Charlie and our first New Year's Eve apart, and how I miss him. I miss him so much, but it's confusing, because I missed him long before he was dead. (2.1.70)

Vera has extremely conflicting feelings about Charlie's death, and it's made more difficult because he abandoned her before he even died. It's hard to miss him more than she already did when he was still alive.

Quote #6

Did Dad realize he was treating this innocent puppy the way Mom had treated me my whole life? Like an unwanted extra responsibility? A pain in the ass? A mistake? (3.5.49)

When Vera brings home the abandoned little puppy, she feels a kinship with it because it's like her: a defenseless little thing who's been abandoned by its parents. But her dad just sees this as disobedience and tells Vera to take it away. Poor little puppy, and poor little Vera.