One Whole and Perfect Day Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around One Whole and Perfect Day? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Lily mistake the gray dishrag on the floor for?

Spilled food
A dead animal
Lonnie's pet hamster, Seely
A tear in the linoleum floor
Q. Rose is scared that Clara's dorm room has what seemingly innocuous feature?

White carpeting
A big-screen TV
Hardwood floors
Q. What does Pop's ax symbolize?

His aggressive personality
His conflict with Lonnie
His passion for chopping wood
His sharp tongue
Q. Why does Stan feel guilty when he sees his mom's wedding dress?

Because he spilled grape juice on it as a kid
Because he accidentally tore it while looking for something in the closet
Because he and his sister made fun of it when they were little
Because it makes him wish he'd had a better relationship with her
Q. What do many of the female characters' names have in common?

They are all one-syllable names.
They are names of flowers.
They are names of cities in Australia.
They are typically men's names.