Everneath Chapter 13 Summary

  • In the now: Mrs. Stone tells Nikki that the draft of her paper looks good, except that it's pretty obvious Nikki hates everyone she's writing about.
  • Nikki responds that she thinks the ancient heroes and gods were stupid and irrational to engage in hopeless quests (like Demeter trying to get Persephone back when Hades kidnapped her).
  • Mrs. Stone prompts Nikki to think more about why people keep hoping after hope is lost. She gives the example of Orpheus, who pursued the love of his life (Eurydice) to the Underworld.
  • As Mrs. Stone quickly narrates what happened to Orpheus, Nikki gets chills. Was there hope for a mortal girl escaping the Underworld? Nope, turns out Eurydice didn't escape after all.
  • When Nikki walks outside, she stumbles on a fight brewing between "Neal" and Jack. When she tries to break up the fight, it ends up looking like she's siding with Cole, so Jack walks off.
  • Cole taunts Nikki, then gets on his motorcycle to drive off. Jack follows him in his car, and Jules drives Nikki's car so they can follow.
  • When they find Jack, his car's wrapped around a telephone pole. He deliriously talks to Nikki, and she realizes that she's drawn to his emotions.
  • It's the first time since she's Returned that she's hungry for someone's energy, and it seriously freaks her out so, knowing the paramedics are on their way, she leaves.