Everneath Chapter 26 Summary

  • In the now: Nikki takes the hair that Cole gave her and walks into the convenience store. She hesitates just before ingesting it (which, let's remember, would take her straight to the Tunnels forever).
  • Then Nikki breaks down crying. Cole runs in and tells her not to scare him like that; he comforts her while she cries.
  • Later, Nikki realizes that she still has some hope about finding a way to stay on the surface. And it's real hope, belonging to her, because with Jack gone, she's not tasting his emotions anymore.
  • Nikki decides to ask Mrs. Stone if she's heard of the Daughters of Persephone. Nope. Moving on: Are there other versions of the Orpheus myth? Yep—Mrs. Stone lends Nikki a book.
  • Nikki looks for similarities between herself and Eurydice, since they both survived the underworld. What she realizes, is that both of them were loved by someone on the Surface. Maybe an anchor is a tie to the Surface?
  • But what about people like Meredith, who had connections to their family on the Surface? But Meredith/Mary wasn't close with her mom, whereas Jack thought about Nikki constantly when she had disappeared.
  • Maybe the connection between Forfeit and anchor needs to work both ways. Nikki and Jack definitely had that kind of relationship in the past, but now he's decided to leave her… so she's screwed.