Everneath Chapter 23 Summary

  • In the now: Nikki shows Jack the bracelet, saying it's a family heirloom (according to Mary, who may not be the most reliable source). He's still not sure if he believes Mary—who is old and kind of crazy—is Meredith, the teenage girl from their school who supposedly moved away with her dad. We can't say we blame him for being skeptical.
  • Jack asks why Nikki survived the Feed. But she doesn't know, though this is probably a clue as to why Cole wants her so badly. They decide to start researching the Orpheus story.
  • That night they Google the Daughters of Persephone, but don't find much except that a reporter who was researching various cults (including this one) disappeared in the 1980s.
  • A few days later, Nikki and Jules reconnect over coffee. Nikki has a good talk with her dad, too. Still, though, her time is running out.
  • Jack and Nikki look for Mary at the soup kitchen, but she doesn't show back up. Then they realize Mary's mom might still be in town—so it's visiting time.