Everneath Prologue Summary

  • A handy little header tells us that this is happening two weeks ago.
  • Nikki is picturing a boy with brown hair and brown eyes when the Feed ends. A guy named Cole tells her that it's over, and when she tries to open her eyes, it hurts.
  • Nikki's body is touching Cole's, and when she tries to move away from him, her skin stings; she gets flashes of memories, but nothing concrete.
  • Cole tells Nikki that the Shades say the Feed is over, so they have to separate. Nikki feels like Cole is a part of her now, so it's weird and even painful to not be touching him anymore.
  • They're underground, and they've been there for a century. Cole asks Nikki how she did it, how she managed to survive.
  • Cole seems pretty excited: He tells Nikki that he's been looking for someone like her for thousands of years, someone who could survive the Feed and become an Everliving like him.
  • Nikki thinks of the boy's face from her memories, and she knows that if she goes with Cole, she'll never see the boy again.
  • So Nikki says no. The Shades fly around like scary shadows, and one stabs her in the shoulder, then Nikki's snatched up in a whirlwind, and she lands on a cold, hard surface. She's not in the Everneath anymore. Turns out she's been dumped on the floor of a convenience store, complete with bad smells and bright lights.
  • Nikki's shoulder hurts when she moves. As she pictures the boy's face in her mind, his name finally comes to her: Jack.