Everneath Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Everneath.

Principles Quotes

Last year, I'd left my dad in the heat of an argument. I threw despicable words at him and then walked out and never came back. This time, I was determined to do things better. (2.8)

Friendship Quotes

I reached over and put my hand on her arm. I understood about disappointing people. "Friends forgive each other." She looked up from her bowl. "I don't think you believe that any more than I do." (...

Suffering Quotes

I worked up to my knees, my elbows, making small movements against Cole's body. But where I tried to separate my legs from his, the skin stung. It was as if we had been sewn together, and I was rip...

Lies and Deceit Quotes

"Why did you come back? And remember, it doesn't count if you're not honest. And, Nik." He paused, his gaze boring into me. "I'll know if you're lying." (3.80)

Memory and the Past Quotes

"You were supposed to…" He paused, and when he spoke again his voice was gruff. "You were supposed to forget your life here." (3.67)

The Supernatural Quotes

"The Fields are a place of light, of happiness, where nobody is dying the slow death of mortality. And all of the good emotions inside you are expressed outwardly in your surroundings. I think it's...

Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

Certain emotions were stronger than others, and would hit me when I wasn't ready. Like when my dad told me he was so happy I was back and that he didn't blame me, but his disappointment in the air...

Love Quotes

He pressed his lips into my hair. "I love you, Becks. I've never felt like this." (7.96)