Everneath The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"The Fields are a place of light, of happiness, where nobody is dying the slow death of mortality. And all of the good emotions inside you are expressed outwardly in your surroundings. I think it's heaven." (9.12)

The way Cole describes the Elysian Fields, a.k.a. the part of Everneath that's not the freaky Tunnels, he makes it sound pretty darn appealing. In fact, maybe it sounds too appealing. After all, it's only available to people who kind of sell their souls and need to feed off the life energy of others. Creepy much?

Quote #2

And then something strange happened. Her skin developed a glossy sheen, as if she were suddenly covered in liquid. Her eyes shot open, and her mouth contorted into a silent scream…then she dropped through the ground. (14.51)

Here, Nikki is watching a person fall from our world into the Tunnels of the Everneath. It's pretty bizarre to watch. Like, Nikki knows that the Tunnels exist, but she hasn't necessarily witnessed the transition between worlds before. And even if you know that there's supernatural stuff out there, it's one thing to know it, and another thing to see it with your own eyes.

Quote #3

"You can't get to the Everneath without an Everliving host. What do your mythology books call him? A ferryman? That pill is the ferryman who escorts humans o the Everneath." (14.61)

Even though it's a weird supernatural place, the Everneath still works by a system of rules. In this case, as Cole tells Nikki, humans can only get there via certain routes. They need to have an Everliving accompany them, which can be done by literally going with them, or by ingesting some part of their body (like one of Cole's or Maxwell's hairs). Ew.