Everneath Chapter 29 Summary

  • In the now: Jack takes Nikki to Meredith—she's freaking out because her mark has reached her inner wrist. Jack decides that they'll take Meredith to Cole's place so they can all see what they've done.
  • On the drive, a dark mass swirls behind the car. It's the Tunnels.
  • Meredith says to let her out, so that the Tunnels don't destroy all of them. She tells Nikki that the bracelet holds a secret that the Dark Daughters have protected for centuries.
  • Meredith also tells Nikki that the Tunnels don't care who pays the debt to them, as long as the debt is paid. When she leaves the car, the Tunnels absorb her, and she's gone.
  • Jack asks Nikki what Meredith said, but Nikki doesn't relay the bit about it not mattering who fulfills the debt to the Tunnels.
  • Jack says he should've found her the night she decided to leave. He admits that Lacey Greene was in his room that night—one of the guys had let her in as a joke, though, and nothing happened between them.
  • Then it's Nikki's turn: She says that she should've stayed and talked to him, but instead she took the easy way out because she couldn't stand the pain anymore.
  • New plan: figure out what the bracelet means. There's only one secret worth protecting above all others, and that's got to be related to how to take down the Everliving.