Everneath Chapter 15 Summary

  • In the now: Nikki puts Cole's hair in a drawer in her room, wondering whether someday she'll have the strength to use it.
  • Someone knocks at the front door. It's Jules, and she seems tired and sad, but asks if she can come in and talk to Nikki.
  • Jules asks Nikki what's been going on with her. Nikki says she was gone and now she's back, and she's just trying to get her life back.
  • Jules then fills Nikki in on what happened when she was gone: Jack basically went crazy looking for her and stopped eating for a while. Jules had to pick up the pieces.
  • Now, Jules is asking Nikki to talk to him and give him some answers or a sense of closure.
  • Nikki thinks back to what Jack asked: to tell him she remembered. She decides to slip a note in his locker at school the next day, with the words I remember on it.
  • Jack finds Nikki and demands to know what she remembers. She lists off things about Jack and their time together, but she tells him it doesn't change anything.
  • Nikki holds this memory dear, as something to cherish when she eventually must go to the Tunnels.