Everneath Chapter 19 Summary

  • In the now: When Nikki gets home, she dreams about being dragged underground at the convenience store.
  • Tommy wakes Nikki up by telling her she's in the paper. Turns out there's a picture of her at the dance, in the middle of the huge fight that happened. This is obviously bad publicity.
  • Nikki's dad chews her out, even though it totally wasn't her fault—this could cost him the election, and oh, she's due to get drug-tested again.
  • The following week, Nikki volunteers to help distribute campaign flyers in order to get back in her dad's good graces. Awkwardly enough, Jack and Jules show up to volunteer, too. They get stuck on a team distributing flyers together and it's super awkward.
  • Christopher, the manager at the soup kitchen, is at one of the houses they're flyering. Introductions are made, and Christopher tries to recruit himself some new volunteers. Jack says he'll come volunteer… so maybe things between him and Nikki aren't totally doomed?