Everneath Chapter 18 Summary

  • Nikki walks to Jack's house in the middle of the night, sneaks into his room by the window, and wakes him up.
  • It's hard for Nikki to start, but she tells him that she's been gone for longer than anyone knows, for years. She starts shivering, and he pulls her under a blanket with him.
  • Nikki lost the ability to dream while in the Everneath, but curled up with Jack, she dreams. It's supposed to be impossible, but she does it.
  • When she wakes up, she's on the brink of stealing energy from Jack. She apologizes and starts to leave, but Jack tells her to stay and tell him what's going on.
  • She tells Jack about hanging out with Cole and the band, and falling out of the raft on that trip. Nikki was badly hurt, and Cole offered to take the pain away. She let him, and immediately felt better (this part is told in a flashback).
  • Jack doesn't believe her at first about Cole (and now her) being able to steal energy. He asks for proof, so Nikki reluctantly feeds on him, skimming some of the negative emotions off the surface.
  • Now Jack believes her. But he also asks her to leave.