Everneath Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why does Nikki agree to become a Forfeit for Cole?
  2. If you had to cast Everneath as a movie, who would play Nikki, Jack, and Cole? Why?
  3. What do you think Nikki hopes will happen during her Return?
  4. How does Cole try to convince Nikki to become an Everliving like him?
  5. What does breaking most chapters into present and past parts of the story accomplish?
  6. If you had to set the plot of Everneath to a song as a music video, which song would you pick and why?
  7. Which ancient myths inform the plot of Everneath? Can you think of any other myths that resonate with the book?
  8. What do you think the subplot of Mary/Meredith does for the story? Do you think the book would be significantly changed if it were left out?
  9. Which of the book's themes are found in other YA novels?
  10. Do you think the book would work if it were set anywhere in North America, or the world? Why or why not?