Everneath Narrator:

Who is the narrator, can she or he read minds, and, more importantly, can we trust her or him?

First Person (Central Narrator)

Nikki is our first person narrator in Everneath, which we know because like the whole book is told from her perspective with tons of I and me pronouns along the way. The good side is that we really get to understand her perspective, such as one of her early post-Feed encounters with Jack:

My heart felt like it would burst through my chest into a million little pieces, and I could see this wasn't going to work. (5.33)

Whoa. That sounds intense, right? Seeing things that happen to Nikki described so intimately helps us empathize with her—but the downside is that we're limited to her perspective. So when she has some huge miscommunication with Jack or whatever, it takes her (and us) a while to sort things out. Plus, since Cole's clearly keeping secrets from her, we're a little bit dying to know what they are.