Everneath Chapter 27 Summary

  • In the now: Nikki comes home and finds that her dad has ordered Chinese food for dinner. They have a good father-daughter talk.
  • After dinner, Nikki is outside when she hears her younger brother Tommy cry out. He's getting attacked by some other kids, and she freaks out and tries to run over.
  • Cole gets there before she does, though, and the attackers wander off with blank faces. Nikki sends Tommy home and asks Cole if he Fed on those bullies. Yep.
  • Nikki thanks Cole, but reminds him that he promised to stay away from her family. So off he goes.
  • Late at night, Jack knocks on Nikki's window. He announces that he found Meredith. He and Will went looking for her (Will was listening in on one of their talks during a drunken stupor).
  • Will is driving to pick Meredith up (in Idaho) while Jack talks to Nikki. He says he was hurt that she hadn't told him about what the mark means.
  • Nikki goes into a bit more detail about what it means for her to go to the Tunnels soon. She also apologizes for coming back, saying maybe things would've been easier for Jack if she hadn't. Like, maybe he and Jules would've gotten together.
  • Jack says that Jules helped him hold it together when Nikki disappeared, but he's never wanted to be with her—he's always been into Nikki.
  • They kiss, and Jack tells Nikki that he dreamed of her every night while she was gone; she shares her theory about anchors. And then she dredges up a long-ago memory.
  • In the past (the Feed): Nikki stays with Cole in his room for a few days while he Feeds on her emotions (especially ones like doubt). Then he pulls her under, into the Everneath.
  • Time blurs. Nikki can tell they're in a cavern. Shadows (the Shades) press up against them and cocoon her and Cole together.
  • Slowly Nikki's memories stop existing. She forgets everything and everyone. Except for Jack's face, and even then, when Cole asks what she remembers, she tells him nothing.