Everneath Chapter 20 Summary

  • In the now: Back at school after holiday break, Jack passes Nikki a note saying he's ready to know more.
  • Nikki looks for Jack at lunch, but instead bumps into Cole, who's in disguise as "Neal." He tries to convince her that nothing in this life matters.
  • Jack walks up, looks confused, and then introduces himself to Neal, saying that if he's a friend of Nikki's, then they should get off to a better start. Cole is obviously shocked.
  • Jack and Nikki decide to ditch school to talk. First, Jack stops at a bar to pick up Will, who passes out while they get coffee.
  • Nikki tells Jack that Neal is Cole, and from there, she tells him everything about the Everneath and how the Everliving survive on the energy of human Forfeits.
  • However, Nikki leaves out the fact that the Tunnels are coming for her soon—she doesn't want Jack to worry about her. She also doesn't tell him that remembering him is what got her through the Feed.
  • Jack asks why Nikki finally decided to tell him all this, and she says it's because the very idea of her and Jack spending time together seems to worry Cole.
  • Jack thinks they should make it obvious to Cole that they're spending time together, and see what happens.