Everneath Themes

Everneath Themes


Principles are a rare commodity in Everneath. Nikki's constantly trying to figure out if she's doing the right thing, while Cole seems to have no trouble ditching his principles to manipulate a sit...


Good friends will accompany you to hell and back… or in the case of Everneath, they'll take care of you after you get back from hell, and they might even take your place if you're supposed to go...


Forget regular old teenage angst: Everneath is about true emotional pain and suffering. There's the suffering that pushes Nikki to choose to become a Forfeit in the first place, and the suffering t...

Lies and Deceit

A lot of the drama in Everneath stems from lies people tell one another. Sometimes their reason for lying or concealing the truth is straight-up manipulative—like, pretty much any time Cole opens...

Memory and the Past

Man, does Nikki have a conflicted relationship with her memories and her past in Everneath. The whole reason she goes to the Everneath as a Forfeit in the first place is that she can't deal with al...

The Supernatural

There is some freaky stuff going on in Everneath: a group of immortals called the Everlivings who feed on emotions; the mysterious Shades that patrol the Tunnels and help with the feeding; and the...

Compassion and Forgiveness

In Everneath, Nikki knows she messed up, so part of what she's doing on her Return is making amends: to her dad, her brother, and maybe even to Jack. Of course, Nikki's not the only far-from-perfec...


In the world of Everneath, love motivates a lot of people to do a lot of things. Nikki is super in-love with Jack while they're going out, which is why his perceived betrayal with his ex tips her o...