Everneath Chapter 30 Summary

  • In the now: Nikki polishes the silver bracelet back at her place, to get a better look at it. They figure out that there are some hieroglyphs on it: a pot, a person, and a bird with a human head.
  • Jack and Nikki figure out that they're looking at Egyptian hieroglyphs that represent the multiple parts of the human soul. They decide to ask Mrs. Stone for help.
  • She doesn't have much insight, but she remembers that one of her old professors was really into this kind of stuff. Jack convinces her that it's urgent enough to be worth a phone call.
  • Professor Spears calls Jack back right away, asking where they got such a good replica of the bracelet. He confirms that it's about the secret of immortality, which was sought in Egypt, and perhaps even today by fringe cults like the Everliving (cue goose bumps).
  • The prof wants to know where the kids got the bracelet, so they lie, and then ask how one can defeat this kind of immortal. Apparently finding the location of the heart is the way to go.