I Am the Messenger Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She even touches Jimmy's face on the photos, and I see what it is to love someone like Milla loved that man. Her fingertips are made of love. When she speaks, her voice is made of love. (1.7.50)

Wow. Sixty years after her hubby's death, Milla is still burning the candle for him—these two have the kind of love that inspires songs and famous poetry. It's obvious that Ed doesn't know what it is like to love this deeply.

Quote #2

She's beautiful, and I'm ashamed. She's fifteen if she's a day, and I'm being stepped on. I'm being crushed from the inside. Feelings of love and lust fight each other inside me, and I realize I'm drawn instantly to this girl who runs barefoot at five-thirty in the morning. I can't escape it. (1.9.14)

When Ed sees Sophie running, he's completely taken with her, even if she is four years younger than him. His instant connection to her running spirit remind us that he's still in a phase of life where feelings come and go quickly. Plus we wonder if his feelings for Audrey will escape him just as easily if someone else comes along.

Quote #3

He slurps again, and his tongue is red from the blood that's cracked down my face. He smiles at me. "I love you, too," I say, and my voice is like a rumor. I'm not quite sure if it came out or not or if it's true. It makes me realize that I hear nothing outside me. It's all inner and like static. (2.2.22)

They say dogs are a man's best friend, and for Ed that couldn't be more true. He's got a special relationship with his German Shepherd-Rottweiler mix because he's had him almost all his life, and his dog is with him through thick and thin. Can we say the same about anyone else?