I Am the Messenger Part 4 / Chapter A Summary

the music of hearts

  • The next morning, Ed feels like he's got a hangover. He thinks about red and black music in his head (fitting since Part 4 is called "The Music of Hearts"… and so is this chapter) and remembers the night before.
  • After they made sure Bernie was okay, they left the theater. Ed's mind shifts back and forth between last night and now—now, he's got the last card.
  • He talks to the Doorman as he thinks about the last card. It says: The Suitcase. Cat Ballou. Roman Holiday.
  • Those are all movie titles, so again he's got to go look for the addresses they match.
  • He wonders when this will end.
  • It's the Christmas season and Ed gives out cards for the first time, delivering one to each of the people he's met through the aces, even the Roses. Risky move.
  • When he delivers Sophie's, she wants to know what she can get for the guy who has given her so much—but he reminds her that he actually gave her nothing. Touché.
  • At Father O'Reilly's place, he confides in the priest that it's not over yet, but the priest tells him not to worry.
  • Ed's surprised that hearts is last. He thought spades would be because that's the hardest.
  • He can see, hear, and feel hearts everywhere—even some random customer's voice sounds like hearts to him.