I Am the Messenger Part 5 / Chapter J (the folder) Summary

the folder

  • As Ed walks up to his house, he's not sure what to expect. Another message? A murderer?
  • A man is already inside and greets him—though Ed doesn't know the guy, it's clear he's the one whose been sending him on these missions all over town.
  • The man explains that he came to the town a year ago and saw Ed's pathetic life… So he killed Ed's dad, arranged for the bank robbery, the wife beater, the hit men, and everything else in order to see if Ed—an ordinary taxi driver—could actually do something with his life for others.
  • Why? Because Ed was ordinary, so he figured that if Ed could do something more, so could he.
  • He hands Ed a folder with the answers to all the questions he could ever ask about what's happened.
  • Then Ed asks him: Am I real?
  • Of course, the man answers. There's life beyond the pages of the folder—you just have to keep living instead of sitting around doing nothing.
  • Ed wants to ask the guy his name, but instead he resigns himself to reading what's in the folder.
  • He keeps reading and waiting. Then it dawns on him: he's waiting for more messages, but he's got to go out and make his own life.