I Am the Messenger Part 1 / Chapter Q Summary

edgar street revisited

  • Ed wakes up and all he can think about are the three addresses on the card. He's taken care of Milla and Sophie… Now it's time to handle things at Edgar Street.
  • He watches television and plays cards with his friends to pass the time.
  • He's already had success with two out of three of the addresses, so he figures he'll be able to help out with Edgar Street too.
  • But when Ed gets there, he's scared. The man starts raping his wife again, but this time Ed moves forward, into the house.
  • He sees the little girl he saw at the store, and she tells him her name's Angelina. When Ed tells her he's there to save her, she asks if he can. Ouch.
  • Angelina prompts Ed to go into the room where her parents are, but Ed stops cold in his tracks—he wants to go in, he really does, but he's scared out of his mind. What would he even do? He says goodbye to the little girl and leaves.
  • Ring, ring. When Ed gets home, he gets a call telling him to check his mailbox. There's a gun inside. Dun dun dun…