I Am the Messenger Part 1 / Chapter 10 Summary

the shoe box

  • Ed and Audrey sit on his front porch, drinking and talking. Audrey asks about the card Ed got in the mail, knowing he didn't toss like he said he did.
  • She wonders if he will get more, but Ed brushes it off—he's still on the first one, and they're a lot of work anyway.
  • He still goes around to Milla's to read to her, and he's been watching Sophie run in her busted up shoes.
  • Ed decides to go over to Sophie's place with a gift for her. When her dad answers to the door, Ed gives it to him, and tells the guy it's for Sophie. It's kinda random, but he goes with it.
  • It's new shoes for her… except when the guy opens the box to check out the new kicks, it's completely empty. Huh?
  • Sophie's dad isn't really sure what's happening, but we guess he delivers the gift (of nothing) to Sophie, because the next time we see her she's barefoot on the track.
  • She's racing again, but this time it's different. She's passionate, rough, and strong; everyone stops to watch her run.
  • Even though the other girl wins the race, everyone claps for Sophie.